FDA panel OKs Celebrex use for children (AP)

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FDA panel OKs Celebrex use for children (AP)

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

FDA panel OKs Celebrex use for children (AP)

AP - Federal advisers recommended Wednesday that Pfizer Inc. be allowed to market the painkiller Celebrex as a treatment for children with a devastating form of arthritis even though they split on whether it was safe.


At 12:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Jane Eaton and i would like to show you my personal experience with Celebrex.

I have taken for 11 months. I am 39 years old. Celebrex works too well, which is why it is so dangerous. It is one of the most effective things you can take for arthritis-type issues, and for controlling inflammation/pain after knee surgery. But the side effects are very extreme: intestinal bleeding/perforation, heart problems, and liver toxicity. I am allergic to Ibuprofen and Alleve, so Clebrex was a life saver. But I am not willing to sacrifice my liver for it. The ER staff told me that they see very serious side effects in Celebrex patients.

Side effects-
I ended up in the emergency room in extreme pain and hyperventilating because of liver problems.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Jane Eaton
Celebrex Side Effects


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