Fetal oxygen monitors offer no benefit - Ely Times

Robots aid stroke victims autistic kids (AP)

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

Back surgery often no better than waiting - MSNBC

Studies: Surgery no better for sciatica (AP)

Chinese HIV cases jump nearly 30 percent (AP)

UN says 39.5 million people have HIV - Houston Chr...

Chinese HIV cases jump nearly 30 percent (AP)

Chinese HIV cases jump nearly 30 percent (AP)

Studies: Surgery no better for sciatica (AP)


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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Fetal Oxygen Test Fails to Deliver - Forbes

Fetal Oxygen Test Fails to Deliver
Forbes - 1 hour ago
WEDNESDAY Nov. 22 (HealthDay News) -- A new test that measures how much oxygen is circulating in fetal blood just before birth has no effect on whether delivery is done by Caesarean section or not researchers report.
Fetal oxygen monitors no benefit to baby mom Newsweek
Fetal Oximetry Plus Electronic Fetal Monitoring Does Not Reduce ... Medscape (subscription)
MSNBC - CBC.ca - Ely Times - United Press International
all 131 news articles


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