Fetal Oxygen Test Fails to Deliver - Forbes

Robots aid stroke victims autistic kids (AP)

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

Fetal oxygen monitors offer no benefit - Ely Times

Robots aid stroke victims autistic kids (AP)

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

Back surgery often no better than waiting - MSNBC

Studies: Surgery no better for sciatica (AP)

Chinese HIV cases jump nearly 30 percent (AP)

UN says 39.5 million people have HIV - Houston Chr...


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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Health Highlights: Nov. 22 2006 - Forbes

Voice of America
Health Highlights: Nov. 22 2006
Forbes - 6 hours ago
A California-based optical company is recalling 2.9 million bottles of contact-lens cleaner following reports some bottles sold in Japan had bacterial contamination.
Health Officials React to UNAIDS/WHO Report Showing Nearly 40M ... Kaiser network.org
Africa: Aids half-truths and sex Daily Nation (subscription)
AllAfrica.com - Gulf News - Calgary Sun - International News Service
all 486 news articles


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