Doctors test implant to block strokes (AP)

Doctors call face transplant a success (AP)

Study: Mom's wrong slouching is good for you - USA...

Doctors test implant to block strokes (AP)

Was Mom wrong? Study says you shouldn't sit up str...

Study: laid-back posture avoids back pain - Xinhua

Doctors call face transplant a success (AP)

Bird flu hits second S Korea farm - BBC News

Bird flu spreads in South Korea - TODAYonline

Doctors call face transplant a success (AP)


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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Study: Mom's wrong slouching is good for you - USA Today

Spotlighting News
Study: Mom's wrong slouching is good for you
USA Today - 20 minutes ago
Researchers say slouching in your chair can be better for your back than sitting upright. "Really the best position is what you get in a La-Z-Boy although that wouldn't work well for someone using a computer ...
Relax - it's the safest way to sit Times Online
Laid-back desk posture can cut back pain risk Guardian Unlimited - BBC News - The Age - Hindu
all 63 news articles


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