Warning issued on dangers of methadone (AP)

South Korea to kill cats dogs (AP)

Second Bird Flu Case Tied to Iksan Farm - Korea Times

South Korea to kill cats dogs (AP)

H5N1 returns to South Korea - Xinhua

Success of Drug Plan Challenges Democrats - Washin...

Success of Drug Plan Challenges Democrats - Washin...

Second Bird Flu Case Tied to Iksan Farm - Korea Times

Second Bird Flu Case Tied to Iksan Farm - Korea Times

Warning issued on dangers of methadone (AP)


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Monday, November 27, 2006

Success of Drug Plan Challenges Democrats - Washington Post

The Money Times
Success of Drug Plan Challenges Democrats
Washington Post - Nov 25 2006
By Lori Montgomery and Christopher Lee. It sounded simple enough on the campaign trail: Free the government to negotiate lower drug prices and use the savings to plug a big gap in Medicare's new prescription-drug benefit.
On drug prices are Democrats in a fix? Los Angeles Times
Election puts drug makers on defensive Indianapolis Star
Atlanta Journal Constitution (subscription) - TheStreet.com (subscription) - Wilmington Morning Star - Sound Politics
all 61 news articles


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