Doctors: Kids Are Too Vulnerable To Ads - CBS News

Pediatricians Want Stricter Controls on Junk Food ...

Other drugs do what Pfizer's aimed to do (AP)

Other drugs do what Pfizer's aimed to do (AP)

Doctors: Kids Are Too Vulnerable To Ads - CBS News

Doctors: Kids Are Too Vulnerable To Ads - CBS News

Other drugs do what Pfizer's aimed to do (AP)

Researcher charged with conflict (AP)

Doctors: Kids Are Too Vulnerable To Ads - CBS News

Pediatricians blast inappropriate ads - Houston Ch...


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Monday, December 04, 2006

E. Coli Sickens More Than 35 in NJ and LI - New York Times

Scientific American
E. Coli Sickens More Than 35 in NJ and LI
New York Times - 1 hour ago
By AP. An outbreak of E. coli bacteria has sickened more than 35 people on Long Island and in central New Jersey and officials are investigating the Taco Bell restaurants where some of them ate as the possible source of the infections.
E. coli outbreak in NJ is linked to 3 Taco Bells WHBF
Taco Bell Closes in Wake of E-Coli Outbreak WNYC
AND - WCBS-TV New York - Los Angeles Times -
all 568 news articles


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