Fitness industry pushes better trainers (AP)

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Britons 'dying from a stiff upper lip' - Times Online

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British Stoicism Means More Die Of Heart Attack - ...

Stricken cruise ship docks for cleaning (AP)

British Stoicism Means More Die Of Heart Attack - ...

Stricken cruise ship docks for cleaning (AP)

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Britons 'dying from a stiff upper lip' - Times Online

Dog Flu Diet and Diseases
Britons 'dying from a stiff upper lip'
Times Online - 7 hours ago
The British stiff upper lip is costing thousands their lives by deterring them from seeking help when they are having a heart attack according to the British Heart Foundation (BHF).
British Stoicism Means More Die Of Heart Attack Medical News Today
'Why I ignored my heart attack' BBC News
Scotsman - The Money Times - - Glasgow Daily Record
all 22 news articles


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