Hospitals too slow on heart attacks - USA Today

Study: Waltzing Helps Mend Hearts - Washington Post

Hospitals want faster heart attack care (AP)

Results mixed on Merck's new painkiller (AP)

Medication Costs Infrequently Addressed When Newly...

Our view: Rx for success - Florida Today

Hospitals too slow on heart attacks - USA Today

Hospitals want faster heart attack care (AP)

Poor Pakistanis donate kidneys for money (AP)

Blocking Cancer-Causing Gene Improves Radiation Ef...


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Monday, November 13, 2006

IFPMA Welcomes New WHO Director General

The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA) warmly welcomes the nomination by the World Health Organization Executive Board of Dr. Margaret Chan for the post of Director-General of the WHO. Subject to approval by the full WHO membership Dr. Chan will succeed Dr. [click link for full article]


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