A genome gem uncovered - Toronto Star

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

Robots aid stroke victims autistic kids (AP)

Study finds no benefit to fetal oxygen monitors - ...

Study finds no benefit to fetal oxygen monitors - ...

Study finds no benefit to fetal oxygen monitors - ...

Robots aid stroke victims autistic kids (AP)

Identical genetics theory questioned - Courier Mail

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

New DNA map shows more gene variations - Boston Globe


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Thursday, November 23, 2006

India Must Work To Control Spread Of HIV In 2007 Gates Foundation Official Says

India in 2007 must work to control the spread of HIV in the country Ashok Alexander director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's $258 million Indian HIV prevention project Avahan said Friday in New Delhi Reuters UK reports. [click link for full article]


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