Study turns human genetics on its head - Globe and...

EPA to regulate form of nanotechnology (AP)

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

Oxygen Monitor Fails to Help Doctors Detect Birth ...

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

Fetal oxygen monitors no benefit to baby mom - New...

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

Fetal oxygen monitors nixed after findings - Houst...

Study turns human genetics on its head - Globe and...

Study turns human genetics on its head - Globe and...


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Thursday, November 23, 2006

New human gene map shows unexpected differences - Reuters AlertNet

BBC News
New human gene map shows unexpected differences
Reuters AlertNet - 17 hours ago
By Patricia Reaney. LONDON Nov 22 (Reuters) - One person's DNA code can be as much as 10 percent different from another's researchers said on Wednesday in a finding that questions the idea that everyone on Earth is 99.9 percent identical genetically.
Multi-Copy DNA More Common Than Thought Forbes
Genetic jot that makes us unique Times Online
Globe and Mail - BBC News - New Scientist (subscription) - Voice of America
all 108 news articles


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