Fetal oxygen monitors no benefit to baby mom - New...

Multi-Copy DNA More Common Than Thought - Forbes

We're more genetically diverse than previously tho...

DNA Varies More Widely From Person to Person Genet...

We're more genetically diverse than previously tho...

DNA research spots difference - The Australian

EPA to regulate form of nanotechnology (AP)

A genome gem uncovered - Toronto Star

EPA to regulate form of nanotechnology (AP)

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)


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Thursday, November 23, 2006

News Tips From The Journal Of Neuroscience

1. Moving Calcium from Store to StoreYu Mi Choi Shin Hye Kim Sungkwon Chung Dae Yong Uhm and Myoung Kyu ParkMost cells including neurons have developed multiple safeguards to keep internal calcium low; thus calcium signals are usually restricted to areas near the source of calcium influx or of release from intracellular stores. In this issue Choi et al. [click link for full article]


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