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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

S. Africa said to change stance on AIDS (AP)

Members of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC)   protest against the government's stance on the treatment of HIV/AIDS in Cape Town South Africa in this Aug. 24 2006 file photo. AIDS activists on Wednesday Nov. 8 2006 hailed a remarkable change in the South African government's stance on the disease saying they hoped that a new era of consensus and action would replace the antagonism and paralysis of the past. The TAC has paid tribute to the political leadership shown by Deputy President Phumzile Mlambo Ncguka who was appointed last month to spearhead a new drive against HIV/AIDS. (AP Photo/Obed Zilwa File)AP - The South African government long reluctant to face up to the country's overwhelming number of AIDS deaths and infections has finally changed its stance AIDS activists said Wednesday.


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