Yale Scientist Honored With Keio University Medica...

Doctors test implant to block strokes (AP)

Tobacco-related diseases to take high toll--study ...

Indonesian dies from Bird Flu - Irish Times

Indonesian dies from Bird Flu - Irish Times

Sitting straight 'bad for backs' - BBC News

Doctors test implant to block strokes (AP)

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Doctors test implant to block strokes (AP)


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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sitting straight 'bad for backs' - BBC News

Sitting straight 'bad for backs'
BBC News - 7 hours ago
Sitting up straight is not the best position for office workers a study has suggested. Scottish and Canadian researchers used a new form of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to show it places an unnecessary strain on your back.
Relax - it's the safest way to sit Times Online
Forget sitting upright to prevent back problems: radiologists CBC British Columbia
ABC News - Toronto Star - Hindu - CBC News
all 32 news articles


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