Blood Vessel Dysfunction with Bipolar Disorder

Drug benefit Round 2 looms - St. Petersburg Times

Poor Pakistanis donate kidneys for money (AP)

University Of Illinois Scientist Helping Processor...

Study: Waltzing helps mend hearts (AP)

Kids showing hardening of arteries - The Australian

Parsing Through Prescription Plans -

Tainted Painkillers: How Dangerous? - Newsweek

Poor Pakistanis donate kidneys for money (AP)

Study: Waltzing helps mend hearts (AP)


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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Tis’ the season for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Is lack of sunny days bringing you down? You are not alone. Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a type of depression which often exhibits itself in the winter months to even those without depressive symptoms the remainder of the year and affects a reported 14 million people in the US. [...]


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