Study: Private Medicare costs $5.2B more (AP)

Study: Private Medicare costs $5.2B more (AP)

Games assault self-control - Daily Telegraph

Common infection common misconception - SIU - Dail...

Study: Private Medicare costs $5.2B more (AP)

NH first to offer cancer vaccine to all girls - Bo...

Violent Video Games May Rev Up Teen Brain - FOX News

Africa faces growing obesity problem (AP)

Study: Private Medicare costs $5.2B more (AP)

Graphic Violence can Result in Behavioral Changes ...


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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Violent Video Games Fire Up Kids' Brains - Medical News Today
Violent Video Games Fire Up Kids' Brains
Medical News Today - 13 hours ago
Teenagers' brains are fired up by violent video games while at the same time areas of the brain associated with self control become subdued say researchers from the Indiana University School of Medicine.
Video Game Violence Goes Straight to Kids' Heads Forbes
Games assault self-control Daily Telegraph
GameSpot - FOX News - IGN - Spotlighting News
all 72 news articles


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