Warning issued on dangers of methadone (AP)

Warning issued on dangers of methadone (AP)

South Korea to kill cats dogs (AP)

Success of Drug Plan Challenges Democrats - Washin...

South Korea to kill cats dogs (AP)

Warning issued on dangers of methadone (AP)

South Korea to kill cats dogs (AP)

Success of Drug Plan Challenges Democrats - Washin...

On drug prices are Democrats in a fix? - Los Angel...

H5N1 returns to South Korea - Xinhua


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Monday, November 27, 2006

What Will Democrats Do About Drug Prices? - Medical News Today

The Money Times
What Will Democrats Do About Drug Prices?
Medical News Today - 17 minutes ago
During their election campaign Democrats talked a lot about the price of drugs saying they would free the government so that it could negotiate cheaper prices.
Driving down drug prices Boston Globe
McIntyre to take on bigger role in House Wilmington Morning Star
Euro2day - Rockford Register Star - The Ledger - Investor's Business Daily (subscription)
all 37 news articles


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