New programs help mentally ill ex-cons (AP)

Pfizer ends cholesterol drug development (AP)

New programs help mentally ill ex-cons (AP)

New programs help mentally ill ex-cons (AP)

New programs help mentally ill ex-cons (AP)

New programs help mentally ill ex-cons (AP)

Pfizer ends cholesterol drug development (AP)

Pfizer ends cholesterol drug development (AP)

Pfizer ends cholesterol drug development (AP)

Experimental ultrasound method could mean fewer br...


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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Private ER Centre Opens In Vancouver Amid Controversy - Medical News Today

Victoria Times Colonist
Private ER Centre Opens In Vancouver Amid Controversy
Medical News Today - 16 hours ago
A healthcare showdown could be looming in Canada after a private emergency care centre the False Creek Urgent Care Centre opened in Vancouver yesterday.
Private clinic agrees not to charge patient fees Vancouver Sun (subscription)
Private health clinic opens in BC Calgary Sun
Globe and Mail - Toronto Star - - SpiritIndia
all 151 news articles


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