Oxygen Monitor Fails to Help Doctors Detect Birth ...

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

Study turns human genetics on its head - Globe and...

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

Humans Differ Genetically More Than Previously Tho...

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

Humans Differ Genetically More Than Previously Tho...

Humans Differ Genetically More Than Previously Tho...

Humans Differ Genetically More Than Previously Tho...

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)


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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Congress seen pushing for imported drugs (AP)

Sen. Byron Dorgan D-N.D. who appears duirng an Senate Indian Affairs Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in this June 22 2005 file photo ...   (AP Photo/Susan Walsh File)AP - Efforts to allow Americans access to cheaper prescription drugs from abroad should blossom once Democrats assume control in Congress but it won't be a top priority lawmakers and health care experts said.


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