Fetal oxygen monitors no benefit to baby mom - New...

Baby with heart outside body has surgery (AP)

Fetal Oxygen Monitoring—No Benefit Seen - MSNBC

Fetal Blood Monitoring Is Pointless - Medical News...

New Human Genome Map Revealed - Playfuls.com

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Congress seen pushing for imported drugs (AP)

Congress seen pushing for imported drugs (AP)

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Fetal oxygen monitors no benefit to baby mom - New...


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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Humans Differ Genetically More Than Previously Thought - Medical News Today

Humans Differ Genetically More Than Previously Thought
Medical News Today - 6 hours ago
We had thought that 99.9% of our genes are the same but it seems that the figure is nearer 99.5% say scientists from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Cambridge UK and the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Canada.
New Human Genome Map Revealed Playfuls.com
Study turns human genetics on its head Globe and Mail
Independent - The Australian - Toronto Star - Boston Globe
all 123 news articles


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