Tamiflu may get 'abnormal behavior' label - Seattl...

Breast cancer link to red meat - ITV.com

Seriousness Of Heart Failure In Elderly Gauged By ...

FDA: Tamiflu patients need monitoring (AP)

CDC urges more people to get flu shots (AP)

CDC urges more people to get flu shots (AP)

Key Steps Speed Heart Attack Care - Forbes

Red Meat May Boost Breast Cancer Risk - CBC News

FDA: Tamiflu patients need monitoring (AP)

Evidence For Traumatic Cause Of Carpal Tunnel Synd...


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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

FDA subjects antibiotic to new scrutiny (AP)

AP - A novel antibiotic linked to rare reports of severe liver problems including several deaths will be subjected to new scrutiny by federal health advisers according to a document released Tuesday.


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