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FDA: Tamiflu patients need monitoring (AP)

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

FDA: Tamiflu patients need monitoring (AP)

The Influenza medicine Tamiflu is shown at a pharmacy in Trenton N.J. in this 2004 file photo. Patients who take Tamiflu should be closely monitored for signs of abnormal behavior health officials said Monday in ordering an updated label for the flu drug. (AP Photo/Brian Branch-Price FILE)AP - More than 100 recent cases of delirium hallucinations and other unusual psychiatric behavior in Japanese patients treated with Tamiflu should have parents watching for similar reactions when treating their children with the flu drug.


At 2:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Mike Conlin and i would like to show you my personal experience with Tamiflu.

I am 26 years old. Have been on Tamiflu for 5 days now. This stuff ROCKS. I was running a 104 Fever ... felt like I was doing to die, was snapping at everyone, etc. I got home and took my first dose along with a dose of Robotussin for my cough. I woke up 3 hours later and my fever dropped from 103.7 to 99.3. It fluctuated a little after that but remained under 100. Body Aches were gone. I was sweating like a mad man but that was probably the fever breaking.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Mild nausea .. almost puked on first dose. Also had mental fog going on. Concentration was difficult but my doctor forwarned me it makes you 'loopy'.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Mike Conlin

Tamiflu Prescription Information


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