Waltz Your Way to Better Heart Health - WebMD

IFPMA Welcomes New WHO Director General

Health care costs could jump 10 percent (AP)

Tamiflu may get 'abnormal behavior' label (AP)

Simple steps can speed heart attack care: study - ...

Hospitals too slow on heart attacks - USA Today

Study: Waltzing Helps Mend Hearts - Washington Post

Hospitals want faster heart attack care (AP)

Results mixed on Merck's new painkiller (AP)

Medication Costs Infrequently Addressed When Newly...


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Monday, November 13, 2006

Public Employers Must Disclose Retiree Medical Benefits Costs After Dec. 15 According To New Rule

The Wall Street Journal on Thursday examined a new Governmental Accounting Standards Board rule set to take effect the first fiscal year beginning after Dec. 15 that will require public employers to disclose costs of retiree medical benefits (Mincer Wall Street Journal 11/9). [click link for full article]


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