Tamiflu may get 'abnormal behavior' label - Seattl...

Breast cancer link to red meat - ITV.com

Seriousness Of Heart Failure In Elderly Gauged By ...

FDA: Tamiflu patients need monitoring (AP)

CDC urges more people to get flu shots (AP)

CDC urges more people to get flu shots (AP)

Key Steps Speed Heart Attack Care - Forbes

Red Meat May Boost Breast Cancer Risk - CBC News

FDA: Tamiflu patients need monitoring (AP)

Evidence For Traumatic Cause Of Carpal Tunnel Synd...


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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Treatment and Community Mental Health Centers

Some 43 years after President John F. Kennedy signed the Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963 that instituted a nationwide network of community mental health centers the system is failing. With continuing cuts in federal state and local aid that fund these centers the centers have fewer and fewer resources to carry out their [...]


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