Want to live to a healthy 85? Stay trim (AP)

FDA Posts New Tamiflu Warning - WebMD

Breast cancer link to diet rich in meat - Sydney M...

How To Grow Muscle Cells In A Dish

FDA subjects antibiotic to new scrutiny (AP)

Treatment and Community Mental Health Centers

Tamiflu may get 'abnormal behavior' label - Seattl...

Breast cancer link to red meat - ITV.com

Seriousness Of Heart Failure In Elderly Gauged By ...

FDA: Tamiflu patients need monitoring (AP)


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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Study: How to Live a Longer Healthier Life — for Men

It’s amazing. Year after year study after study researchers determine that certain behaviors result in a longer healthier life. Yet do people listen? Well generally no. There’s so much noise in health and medical research very few news organizations or their reporters spend an extra few hours of research to put the results into context. [...]


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